Make Your Voice Heard Before Thursday, August 14th!


City officials cited “some question and concern” as the ultimate factors leading to the rescinded proposal.

“We realize there has been some question and concern about the pool entry fee increase in the FY2025 proposed budget,” officials said in part. “Staff will bring forth an amendment to the fee schedule during adoption tomorrow to return pool entry fees to FY2024 levels.”

The proposed new City budget will raise city pool fees for Barton Springs Pool, Bartholomew Pool, and Northwest Pool from $5 to $9 per person!

Please make your voice heard! Email City Council and call the City Manager (512-974-2200) — while we can, before the last budget hearing on August 14th.

Under the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year, non-residents would see the entry fee increase from $9 to $10, while Austinites would see fees jump from $5 to $8.  Non-resident seniors would see prices increase from $5 to $7 while Austin seniors would see their fees go from $2 to $5.

Those looking to purchase swim passes for the season will also see increased fees. A non-resident family of four can expect to pay $775 for the summer pass, which is nearly a 34% increase. Family passes for residents will see a 15% increase to $590.

Barton Springs pool revenue already exceeds $4 million a year. None of that is kept by PARD–it all goes into the general fund. Meanwhile, the park’s golf program is operating with over $600,000 surplus, (this year, so far; in past years it has been $2 million+) which if applied to pools, would make fee hikes unnecessary!

Pools are The People’s salvation and survival as we survive the climate crisis. We NEED pools, both free and affordable, for struggling families who don’t have luxury pools in their backyards. This is NOT the time to be nearly doubling pool fees!!!

Email the council here or print out the image above to share with friends, neighbors, and family.